Anchors & Oars is a veteran-owned company dedicated to preserving the legacy of boating by recycling and reselling salvaged boat parts. Our extensive inventory spans a wide range of years, from 1930s vintage finds to contemporary equipment, with a focus on hard-to-find 1970s-80s sailboat parts. Whether you're looking for practical items like cleats, sails, and lines, or charming decorative accents like wall décor, cushions, and pillows, we have something for every boater. All of our offerings are available at a fraction of the retail price, making it easier for you to keep your boat in top condition. Visit our physical store in Grasonville, MD to explore our offerings and find the perfect items for your vessel.

Anchors, Oars, Boats, and More!

Discover the unique advantage of shopping with us! With a flexible sourcing method, we are able to offer a range of rare and hard-to-find items that you won't find anywhere else. Whether you're searching for a discontinued product or a one-of-a-kind item, we just might have it. Don't let "hard to find" hold you back. Browse our full inventory today and see what we have to offer. And if you're looking for something specific, don't hesitate to let us know. We're here to help you find what you need!

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Often, a boat is left with someone who cannot be its caretaker, for various reasons. While many companies charge $100 per foot just to pick up and dispose of the boat in a landfill, adding thousands of pounds of waste to the environment, we take a different approach. We aim to reuse and recycle 80% of each boat we take in. Our removal pricing is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, but we are usually very affordable, and often even free, for sailboats. This is how we maintain a majority of our inventory. We prioritize reducing, reusing, and recycling not just for boats, but in all that we do including sails through our sail donation program!

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Anchors & Oars not only has boat parts for sale, we also offer bags, shirts, hats, and more. Tell other people where to find the best used boat parts with your swag!

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