Tufnol Swivel Fiddle Block With Cam Cleat & Bronze Shackle - 1 7/8” & 1” Sheaves - 3/8” Line

Tufnol Swivel Fiddle Block With Cam Cleat & Bronze Shackle - 1 7/8” & 1” Sheaves - 3/8” Line

PRICE: $32.00

Tax included.

This Tufnol fiddle block is in good condition. The sheaves roll as should. The larger sheave is 1 7/8” diameter and the smaller sheave is 1” diameter. They fit MAX 3/8” line diameter. The cam cleat works as should, it does stick slightly. The bronze shackle does work fairly well, being as it does have a bit of corrosion to it. The shackle has a 1/2” fixed eye diameter. Total length of the block only is 7 1/4”. 

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